by | Jan 2, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Matt. 6:14, 15; 18:35; Mark 11:25, 26; Luke 6:37; 2 Cor. 2:10; John 20:23

     Jesus continually stressed forgiveness. Repeatedly He taught that we must forgive to be forgiven. Judgment and unforgiveness will shatter our inner peace and joy.

     Unforgiveness affects our health and well-being.  Just the mention of certain names and our backs begin to stiffen. Our minds are flooded with unhappy, angry, bitter, and painful memories. A good day can become a terrible day just by seeing somebody in the grocery store or hearing someone mention a certain name. These offenses are unresolved issues–unforgiven debts.

     You cannot be free until you free others. The unforgiveness you hold out to others becomes the pain and suffering you inflict upon yourself. Where is the wisdom in this self-inflicted pain because of the wrongdoing of another? Jesus wants us to realize that by releasing others of offense, we are actually freeing ourselves to be happy again.

     Forgiveness is a choice–not an emotion.  Choose to forgive as many times as it takes to be free of the offense.  Do not be discouraged if it takes time, and do not stop forgiving. The freedom you will experience will be worth the energy required. 

Dear God, Teach me complete forgiveness. I am willing, but I need help.