by | Feb 16, 2020 | Daily Devotion |

Hebrews 12:15  See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.





Hebrews 12:15  See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

                United we stand; divided we fall.  Satan will use the “divide and conquer” tactic to destroy friendships and hinder academic progress this year.  God’s grace and forgiveness are our weapons for this battle.

                Why do people have so much trouble living in unity?  We think differently; we were raised in different environments, cultures, economic classes, and religious backgrounds.  We have different priorities and values. Some teachers still have difficulties with personal security, and become too emotionally entangled in conflicts. And, others just don’t like to yield or admit error.  In spite of all these differences, we can have peace through love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

                Resolving differences must be a priority for each teacher.  As administrators and teachers, we must find the grace of God in our hearts to actively pursue peace.  We should seek to restore any parent or student who is at odds with the school, when possible.  We do this by going to the person(s) involved and talking about the offense.  Ignoring the offense will not make it go away. But talking about the problem to those involved often dissolves the conflict and brings peace.

                Search daily for any root of bitterness that may be trying to form in your school.  Satan is sly.  He comes in like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  He will defile us if we do not daily search for wrong attitudes and work to bring healing to wounded hearts.

Dear God, teach me to be a peacemaker.  Help me to understand the importance of unity and my responsibility as a teacher to keep conflicts out of the school.  I realize that only the Grace of God can give me what I need to handle some of the conflicts that I have to deal with this year. Heavenly Father, I need your grace today.